domingo, 20 de enero de 2013

Las resistencias y daños de las ratas

He aquí un hit de las BIOs de mucha gente. La información del tipo de daño y resistencia que tienen los piratas y facciones NPC de EVE. Abajo del todo el también típico recordatorio del tipo de tecnología en que están basados los sensores de cada raza.

Damage type to Deal (Munición)Damage type to Resist Against (Resistencias)
FactionPrimary DamageSecondary DamagePrimarySecondaryTertiaryQuaternary
Angel CartelExplosiveKineticExplosive (62%)Kinetic (22%)Thermal (9%)EM (7%)
Blood RaidersEMThermalEM (50%)Thermal (48%)Kinetic (2%)
CONCORDKineticThermalKinetic (37%)Thermal (32%)Explosive (30%)EM (29%)
Guristas PiratesKineticThermalKinetic (79%)Thermal (18%)EM(2%)Explosive (1%)
Mordu's LegionKineticEMKinetic (70%)Thermal (30%)
Rogue DronesSee Footnote
Sansha's NationEMThermalEM (53%)Thermal (47%)
SerpentisKineticThermalThermal (55%)Kinetic (45%)
Amarr EmpireEMThermalEM (47%)Thermal (42%)Kinetic (7%)Explosive (4%)
Caldari StateKineticThermalKinetic (51%)Thermal (48%)EM (1%)
Gallente FederationKineticThermalKinetic (60%)Thermal (39%)EM(1%)
Minmatar RepublicExplosiveKineticExplosive (50%)Kinetic (31%)EM (12%)Thermal (7%)
Footnote: Rogue Drones have a tendency to vary wildly in what damage type they deal out. Low-level missions seem to lean towards Electromagnetic/Thermal while high-level missions lean towards Explosive/Kinetic. Consult reports for the specific mission or exploration site before undocking. Experienced players may wish to consult for damage statistics from the different types of rogue drones.
Magnometric Jammer - Gallente *
Ladar Jammer – Minmatar *
Radar Jammer – Amarr *
Gravimetric Jammer – Caldari *


Guía de los Kill Rights en Retribution de EVE PRO Guides

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